Condizione meteo marine non buone, ridotto il tempo passato in osservazione.
Avvistate comunque tantissime tartarughe (C. caretta) nel Canale. Stenelle e tusiopi sono stati avvistat nel Golfo di Tunisi.
Bad sea conditions and consequently time spent in effort was reduced.
Many sea turtle (C. caretta) were however sighted in the Channel between Sicily and Tunisia.
Striped dolphins and bottlenose dolphins were sighted in the Tunisi Gulf
Within the framework of the ACCOBAMS agreement a partnership of Italian and Tunisian research bodies is investigating the presence of cetacean, and the relationship with maritime traffic, within the region comprise among Tunisia-Sicily-Sardinia considered a critical habitat for cetacean species. To be able to systematically investigate the region, especially in high sea areas and all year round, ferries are used as platform of observations. Floating marine litter is experimentally investigated.
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